Organized Journal

Beauty is Not Only a Job, it's an Adventure

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The New Year Sort Out

There is nothing that says happy new year better than getting rid of what you don’t want! So without surprise my new year started cleaning and de-cluttering my space, there is nothing like the great feeling of having things organized and sorted out. I believe this month will be an interesting one, because I am working in several aspects of my life that I’ve been meaning to, but hadn’t grabbed the bull by the horns in the past.

Starting with the makeup. I decided to create several projects for this, that will have to be developed during the year because mainly my makeup is a stinky mess, and it is one of the mainly points I want to work on. Of course I love makeup and of course I have a lot because I love testing and reviewing new products, but there gets to a point where you say “dang girl go slow on the mascara” so for the following weeks I will be doing inventories due to the fact that I need numbers in order to see what I want to accomplish in the  year end. Don’t worry I will have updates in this soon, my inner geek stride the other day and found a way to mix organizing with makeup.

Clean and Keep. My new motto for this year, I would normally clean and organize stuff on a weekly basis, but my main problem is maintaining stuff in their place (That’s why I always lose time over the weekends putting things away). Have you ever heard the phrase “everything has its own place”, it would seem like in my case I tend to forget that. So for this year I promised myself I would store everything in its place when I finished using it. I think I am starting good and will be a good habit to keep.

Until Next Time,
