Organized Journal

Beauty is Not Only a Job, it's an Adventure

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Thoughts of a forgotten mind

There are times in our lives when I believe it’s OK to stop, breathe for a while and enjoy the endeavors which surround us. There are other times when we get consumed by our day to day activities that we don’t give ourselves the chance of enjoying life happenings. It seems that it all comes down to having a balance; having the equilibrium of each aspect in our lives.

Too much work leads to living in a cycle that might lead to a stressed and not happy life, on the other hand too much fun leads to a life where in my opinion not much gets accomplished.

So what is the key for a life well balanced? Is there an ABC recipe I can follow? Will I ever be destined to work and not think about other stuff? Well, these past few weeks I started an experiment, and the first lesson I received was that having a balanced life takes a butt load of work. You need to plan and organize, especially if you have a lot of activities to accomplish in one day.

What I did was some kind of schedule, yes like the one I had as a kid so I could remember all the things I had to do, this includes everything, from waking up at 6:00 AM, through finishing a day perfectly at 10:00 PM. There are a lot of activities I included, but today I want to write about the ones that for me mean having a more balanced life:

Start with Breakfast and that is because throughout the years I started skipping it, but what I have learned is never skip breakfast, it really is the most important meal of the day, I started neglecting breakfast because I wanted to sleep more, but I wanted more sleep because the day before I stayed up late watching TV.

By the way don’t watch TV, I  know this sounds ugly, but really if you want to accomplish things in life don’t sit in your couch for 3 hours changing channels until you find something that amuses you, Is not that I don’t watch TV, but if I have a show I like, I make use of my DVR and tape it, then watch it over the weekends, plus I can skip the ads, which in my opinion are a waste of time and make me fat because I cannot control myself when I see that random Pizza advertisement.

Work Out, yes yes everybody tell us how exercise is great for our mind and body, and well it certainly is. Whenever I stop working out I feel tired, depressed and my mind doesn’t function as it should; you don’t have to join a gym if you don’t want to, there are tons of videos that can help you work out, or you can also walk outside, but do try moving your body at least 30 minutes every day.

Read before going to sleep, something you like and enjoy, it can be something funny, adventurous or spooky, try avoiding topics related to your work, because that time should help you relax and unwind from all the things you already did over the day.

Lastly find your passion, a couple of weeks ago I discovered that  mine is swimming, I used to swim while at college and discovered that was the only sport I did not suck at because a) I didn’t get hit with a ball in the head and b) I didn’t get hit with a ball in the head. The feeling that swimming and being underwater gives me, is nothing I can’t compare so I had added this activity to my Sunday’s it is part of my “me time”.


Very Inspiring Blogger Award

I have been nominated for the very Inspiring blogger award, I really want to give big thanks to the wonderful Marisa from Wear Your Vitamins for nominating me I really appreciate it, please go and check her out she has amazing and very informative posts plus a cool YouTube Channel. Now for this award you need to:

  • Display The Award logo on your blog.
  • Link back to the person who nominated you.
  • State 7 things about yourself.
  • Nominate other bloggers for this award and link back to them.
  • Notify those bloggers of the nomination and the award requirements.

So my 7 random facts:

  1. I’ve always wanted to have long hair since I was a kid (and this year is happening), my mom even saw a wig for me using old sheets, it was kind of a small hat with two long braids I just loved them.

  2. I’ve been using glasses since I was in middle school, and I am totally blind without them. I seldom wear contacts but cannot handle them for long.

  3. My name is Japanese, my great-grandfather was Japanese, and although my dad says we have family in Japan I’ve never been there (it is in my bucket list though).

  4. I am learning to cook, believe it, I am 28 years old and I am not the greatest at the kitchen. But I can cook the yummiest lasagna (it’s my signature dish).

  5. I am not a gardening lady, at all, I love flowers and plants but I do tend to kill them (even if I follow instructions), the only plants I am able to keep are bamboo’s I have one at work and one at home and they are simply beautiful.

  6. I hate voicemails, there is something about voicemails that make me cringe, if you call and I don’t reply send me a message, because if you send a voicemail I will not listen to it.

  7. I just discovered audiobooks, and freakingly love them now I can listen (read) while going to work or working, dang at this rate I will be able to read much more books this year.

And now for the nominees:

For polishing your blog, writing skills & more:

Write With Warnimont

Excellent DIY’s:

Zim on a Whim

Cool Reviews and fashion:

A Thunder Heart

Makes me want to visit Japan:


Great stories that make me want more:


Learn about downsizing beauty products:

Barely Organized Chaos

Thanks again to Marisa for her kind nomination and please go and support her blog and channel 🙂

Until Next Time


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Why Having Categories in your Blog Matters?

Has this happened to you?

You are at WordPress reading what’s in the blogosphere and discover an exciting new blog, you read a post that caught you and you want to see if the blogger has other similar posts. This happens to me more than 2 times a week and while I can find categories in some, others just don’t have it.

Having a categories section is a strong tool in your blog, because odds are people will find your blog due to the one of your most read posts. But, if they liked that post they might come for more, and if they can find them easily this will give you kudos.

Amazingly adding categories in WordPress it’s very easy, and there is even a widget you can add in your blog page for your viewers to find what you write about. If you are starting your blog and don’t have too many posts I would strongly encourage you to go now and start your Categories section.

“Using widgets for your WordPress blog is a savvy move”

In my case I did have some categories since the beginning, but as my blog started growing and the topics I write about started diversifying I needed a more structured plan.

Something these past 2 years of blogging has taught me is that if you want to have an organized blog where your viewers can find all you write about you need to put some brains in planning your categories.

For instance, you can see that I do have some main niches in my blog, but from those “main niches” come smaller branches that are more specific to the topics I write. Maybe Jane* subscribed because she loves reading my makeup reviews, so whenever she wants to go and check more she can just go to my categories and check out all the reviews I have done, or maybe Joe* likes my Personal Development posts, well he can just go and click my Personal Development category and he will have a lot of reading to do.

It takes some work but it’s worth it

When I first started thinking about giving good order to my categories was basically last week, after 250 posts, so in this case it did took me longer to achieve the results I wanted, but as I said before if you are just starting invest some time in doing it because you never know when this might be handy.

Do you use categories in your blog?


*Jane & Joe were just names I used for the example. But if they exist hi! And thanks for stopping by.


Very Inspiring Blog Award

Hey everyone, so I know I am very late on this, but somehow it was on hold on my pending posts, I am pretty excited about this because I got nominated by the lovely Material Detox for the Very Inspiring Blogger Award. Please go and check out her blog it’s very nice…

I get really excited and motivated when I receive this kind of awards; it makes me realize that my blog has grown a lot these past months and gives me the pump to keep on writing.

So the rules for this award are:

  1. Link back to the blogger who nominated you.
  2. Post the award image to your page.
  3. Share 7 facts about yourself
  4. Pass the torch! Nominate other great bloggers 🙂

My 7 Facts:

  • I prefer Tea instead of coffee, surprisingly after having a coffee addiction for the past months I suddenly decided to stop and tea has been great for me, I even feel better.

  • When it’s winter I miss summer and when it’s summer I miss winter, hence my favorite station is autumn.

  • My fashion makeup icon is Lauren Conrad; I love her winged eyeliner and style.

  • I have an actual agenda, I don’t know but I prefer writing stuff I have to do in paper than having it at my cellphone

  • I can’t stand high heels, maybe my feet were not born for using them, I think they are so pretty and look very good on, but still if I use them it has to be for only a couple of hours on very very special occasions.

  • I love sweet and fruity scents, I don’t know why but especially with my own perfumes, I cannot wear anything if it’s not sweet.

  • I love makeup, but for some reason I only own 2 MAC lipsticks, that’s odd because everyone I know that loves makeup has tons of MAC Products.

So for this award I would like to nominate a couple of blogs which I think are outstanding I love them a lot and whenever I read them they inspire me on being a better writer.

Check them out they are real amazing bloggers…And thanks again to Material Detox for her nomination.

Until Next Time,



I am at Hellocotton

Hey everybody happy hump day, so yesterday catching up with the blogs I discovered about something called Hellocotton , this is a community that allows you to follow women bloggers out there. This site also allows you to comment, vote and share it all with your friends.

So after a while of checking out their site I was sold and decided to create my profile. I really liked the overlook of this site, and I would recommend it, there are A LOT of inspirational and different posts about DIY’s, beauty, makeup and so much more, that can really get your inner creativity flowing!!.
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Things writing has taught me

Today I sat at my desk and started thinking, how many years have I’ve been writing? I have a little bit more than a year since I started my blog here at WordPress, but I have been writing for more less than 14 years. Being aware of that number inside my head scared me a bit, I mean it’s been more than a decade since I’ve been writing on and off, but still going up.
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I have a challenge for myself. All this year I have intended to be a better girl and write more, although I have improved I know that I have a long journey to go. So the other day I was thinking of what was I going to do in this week off from work…the result? Blogmas all week… But, what does this mean? Keep Reading ->