Organized Journal

Beauty is Not Only a Job, it's an Adventure

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Love is a Four Letter Word

I think I’ve never written about my music tastes. Today its Friday I am happy and I feel the need to talk about it. Especially about my favorite album from one of my top artists; I am talking about Jason Mraz, yep that is right and his album LOVE is a four letter word.

I think I am around 10 months late, since this album was released last year, but man I love it and I think it came in the most appropriate time for me. This album is inspiring and talks basically about Love (duh!), in my opinion it develops all of the things that love implies making it a short word with a lot of meaning. It talks about sacrifice but most important becoming aware of others people’s feelings and loving them even more for the choices they take, even if they sometimes don’t come to our favor.

Furthermore I think that this album talks about freedom, and how life is about us being free, letting go of everything to be able to receive it all.

Overall nice album I do recommend it, if you have the chance to check it out do it, because it is inspiring, motivational and deep.

Wishing you all the LOVE for always

Until Next Time,


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Valentine’s Day and Other Musings

Hey everyone, so I hope everyone is having or had a wonderful Valentine’s Day; I am still having a great time. Today I woke up to see the sweetest and lovable card from my hubby in my vanity table. That put me in such a good mood to start the day because he took the time to do that while I was asleep.

Then I had cake for breakfast at work. Who does that? Apparently me on Valentine’s Day. Then at the office I received a call from the lobby, go figure to make things shinier my hub sent me flowers (first time indeed so I felt like melting) I definitely wasn’t expecting that, I loved them. They smell amazing as well!!

Anyways I hope your day is wonderful and today I want to leave you with this thought:

“It really doesn’t matter if you receive a hug, a love letter, flowers, or chocolates but the important thing is to express your love all year long and to be nice and in touch with the ones you love, that means Valentine’s Day all year long”

Until Next Time,


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Love at first sight

There are times in my life where I just love simple things, today while organizing/cleaning my makeup room I took this picture, it was my price after a long day of doing house chores…simply love at first sight.

Don’t we sometimes deserve relaxing times?

Anyways, I am also very excited because if you follow my blog you will know that I posted a review about a couple of weeks ago in, this is the Olay ProX Cleansing Brush Review so on Friday I received an e-mail and it seems that my Hub has been selected among 6 candidates for this week’s Rising Star Program on HubPages! This program features high-quality Hubs published by new writers, inviting the community to vote for their favorites. Now the topic that win the most votes will be featured in their weekly newsletter which I think is just amazing.

So if you want to vote (which if you do I would totally appreciate) please click here and take some time to vote for my Olay ProX Cleansing Brush Review. Voting ends on Wednesday so you have time and don’t worry you don’t have to be a HubPages member to vote…

Until Next Time,



My Love and Hate Relationship with The Hunger Games

Back in January I had my monthly overdose of The Hunger Games. I remember that I started reading the books because I heard someone saying great things about the story. So I couldn’t help it and went thru the first part in less than 3 days, making me crave for the next two parts, finishing them in less than a month.

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Lessons from my Mom: Learning to Love my Sisters

Growing up in my family was a very singular experience. I remember my first growing years as a girl who was pampered a lot (and how wouldn’t I was the first child). But, at three years old something that no one explained to me happened. I had a new sister. So this new little human came to my place and I suddenly felt thrown away. Keep Reading->

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Feeling the Blues

I think it started yesterday, like a need my heart had, of loving and feeling loved. It was like a strange ache in my soul, from those I don’t get much often, but are like small warnings that something’s not right in my life and I need to do changes. There are a lot of times when we forget about doing this, life goes by so fast, job after job, responsibilities come and go, but feelings stay.

Depression invaded my soul and embellished my thoughts in a deep sea of regrets, why haven’t I done this? Why am I still here waiting without acting? Why have I closed my emotions to everyone and especially to myself? What a hell am I thinking? or at least Am I thinking?…I know there is only one solution to take for this, but I still don’t know if I have the commitment to do it because I know I will gain so much but at the same time I will lose too.