Organized Journal

Beauty is Not Only a Job, it's an Adventure

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September is Time for Embracing Change

Hey everyone, so right now is Monday September 1st at 9:27 PM, it is amazing to see that I am here at home typing and had some time earlier to prepare lunch for the entire week while doing laundry and uploading YouTube videos. Let me explain why? I work in the finance world and going back to almost a year my 1st day of the month was always full of work and leaving the office very late (yes I did have to work today…Labor Day, but left the office at 5:00 pm).

Tonight, I wanted to write about how amazed I am that in a couple of days it will be a year since I decided to make a big change in my life. You see, a year ago I had a job in another city, I thought I had things figured out and I was comfortable, yet there was something bothering me inside, I knew it would take me a long long time to grow in the company I was and it was worth trying out something else, while being scared of change, I also decided to throw it to the universe and say I really want a change.

Change 1

And the change came, scary as always, but this time I decided to jump in and embrace it with open arms. Tonight, I want to say that I am grateful, because that change brought amazing and spectacular things to my life. It  was hard, YES, I am not going to say it was easy, but I can say that it was WORTH IT.

And still change doesn’t stop to amaze me because it seems I will be receiving change again, which again it’s scary, but not as much as one year ago. I think that as humans we need change in our lives, we cannot be living under the same circumstances always, and I am a firm believer that change is always for good reasons it helps us grow and evolve.

Change 2

So I believe that for a second time in a row September is the month of change for me, so I have nothing else to say than in this month I am again embracing change with my open arms letting new things into my life and knowing that things will be alright.

Wishing you all the best
Until Next Time,


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New Year…New Everything

Happy New Year to all of my dearest reader’s hoping that this year is great for all of you and all your goals be accomplished. For me well, it’s been a heck of a time I got back from my 3 months in Ecuador on December, finally moved to Houston and I’m mostly installed and ready to keep on my blogging and video filming…because we all know I was kind of slacking on those.

So today I started making a list of posts I want to write (cuz I am organized like that) and thought about what I got for Christmas…IKEA furniture… ok that post is done lol.


And while trying to mumble year end close at work I did manage to visit a couple of places to enjoy a bit of Christmas, which was great with my baby here..But we did miss the family for the holidays..I have to say this was my first holidays away from them.


Yes, this is me working the 24th lol…

Now to keep with the rambling, I know this year will bring more amazing things, I mean last year my life dramatically changed…so I am quite sure this will be great and I wish you all the best as well.

Until Next Time


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Update of the update

Hey everyone long time no write, I am right now in the airport waiting for my flight to Quito, I spent a week visiting my family in El Paso and whew time flew by so fast. I will say our goodbyes where emotional, but that’s life.

After this, well 3 more weeks in Quito and back for my relocation to Houston  which is going to be fun fun and full of organization skills lol.

Anyways I wanted to give you a heads up I went shopping so expect a haul soon. But I wanted to show you this beauty from ulta.



It’s from benefit it comes with 3 shadows a creaseless cream and a lip balm I think is a great kit especially if you are traveling or a great stocking stuffer 🙂

I’ll try to keep updating it feels good to write even if it is from my cell phone.

Until next time



Finally friday!!

Hey everyone long time!! Well as I’ve been running up and down here at houston training in my new job, my days mostly have consisted in hotel, job, hotel, homework and sleep. Don’t get me wrong I’ve been enjoying it but still I am sooo happy today is friday.


So what happens next! Well next weekend I will be flying to Ecuador for 11 weeks which whew sounds exciting!! So expect lots of pictures of that!

Until next time I leave you with a couple of pics of what I wore this week!



Until next time

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Friday| Take a Deep Breath

Hey everyone, happy Friday, I know probably many of you are just starting their weekend (so jealous!) so be happy and be safe. Today I just wanted to take some time and update, because I’ve been missing a bit, so I said Tomiko take a deep breath and carry on, I will not deny that I am a bit (ok A LOT) tired, but still I feel pretty good.

I did complete my entire week of going to the gym at 6:00 AM (12 days now) which makes me feel pretty energetic throughout the day. Also, I have a new position at work, so this has had me studying a lot; there are so many new things and I’ve been running up and down, it’s been a bit of hectic, but at the end of every day I just sit and say to myself:

But returning to the weekend part, this one will be my last one before starting school again (decision I took by choice!) and I wanted to show you my outfit. Nothing says more relaxed than a pair of shorts, some sneakers and a t-shirt.

And while I’ll be sporting this outfit I will be working on future posts and some video ideas I’ve been having (so stay tuned for those). Also expect my May Favorites soon!!

PS: Something I also noticed today (due to our month end closing at work…duh!) is that June is coming!! I am pretty excited because My B-day is in June so I always love my birthday month is like a huge celebration for me even though I never have a BIG party I just love it.

Until Next Time


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Exercise, Money and Am I a Student?

Hey everyone, so if you are a current assiduous follower of this blog of mine, you might have noticed that I have not been posting a lot. Well basically I’ve been running up and down here and there with a lot of “interesting” things, and today I wanted to share them with you.

Well, first of all you know I’ve been working out in my fitness/health side for some time now, and somehow the past months I got stuck in my weight and was not feeling good. I just knew I needed a change, so one day at 4:00 AM I decided to give a big turnaround to my routine. I started working out early in the morning!! Now this is a big challenge, because my working hours are from 7:30 AM to 5:00 PM, so I started getting up at 5:00 AM and going to the gym.

This has been a BIG challenge and I’ve been trying to get USED TO my new schedule, which I won’t deny is a bit harsh, BUT the feeling I get every day after I leave the gym ready to start a new day is PRICELESS. No wonder I heard that working out in the mornings is the best thing. On my weight I have not seen big changes, but my clothes are loose now and I feel great, which is the most important thing.

On the other side, well I think I am going back to school (wait, I am going back to school)…I still cannot believe it. Two years ago I finished my Bachelor’s Degree in Accounting and I felt that was time to go for my Masters, it all happened very sudden and I’ve actually been given a great opportunity that I cannot reject. So yes, I will be a student again. Not a full time because with a master is very different and this one is great because classes are only on Saturday’s so this will not mess with my weekly goals.

So where does this leave my blog and my YouTube channel? Well I’ve been giving it some thought and I will definitely not be leaving it because I love it, this is my hobby my escape and something I truly love doing, and I know school and work are first (after all they pay my bills and the stuff I review for all of you guys! ?) but I have to be realistic and I know that I will not be posting every day as I used to. Hang in there posts will be juicier!!. Plus thanks to these new activities I have now tons of new Post Ideas for all of you, so it is a win win situation.

On my No spending month let’s say that I’ve been a little overboard with my expenses (just see my YouTube Hauls) but now that my birthday is coming well let’s say that It will be over for some time, maybe until winter comes. But I have managed to keep my savings in good condition still and keep moving forward!!

Wishing you all a happy Weekend!!

Until Next Time,



March: A Time to Review Goals

I would dare to say that most than 50% of people in this world made New Year resolutions, set up goals and want to accomplish something for this year. It is March already and while you might have joined the gym to shed some pounds or joined a class to learn something new, this is the point where a lot of us start flaking and forgetting about our goals, or feel that we still have 9 more months to accomplish them.

The truth is that Rome was not built in one day and neither your accomplishments, so I encourage you to take this time to remember what you want to achieve; re-evaluate if you are failing in some part of your goals and just do something about it; because honestly things won’t fix themselves.

And remember it is all about the decisions you take today what will take you to your goal. Yesterday choices are gone and tomorrow’s not even here yet.

Until Next Time,


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Valentine’s Day and Other Musings

Hey everyone, so I hope everyone is having or had a wonderful Valentine’s Day; I am still having a great time. Today I woke up to see the sweetest and lovable card from my hubby in my vanity table. That put me in such a good mood to start the day because he took the time to do that while I was asleep.

Then I had cake for breakfast at work. Who does that? Apparently me on Valentine’s Day. Then at the office I received a call from the lobby, go figure to make things shinier my hub sent me flowers (first time indeed so I felt like melting) I definitely wasn’t expecting that, I loved them. They smell amazing as well!!

Anyways I hope your day is wonderful and today I want to leave you with this thought:

“It really doesn’t matter if you receive a hug, a love letter, flowers, or chocolates but the important thing is to express your love all year long and to be nice and in touch with the ones you love, that means Valentine’s Day all year long”

Until Next Time,


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Why New Year’s Resolutions Don’t Work?

Yesterday and today I’ve been hearing about all the resolutions people have for this coming year, losing weight, travel more, get to work in time, and many others. But, I also heard from a study made that only 1 between 4 of these people will accomplish his/her resolutions.

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