Organized Journal

Beauty is Not Only a Job, it's an Adventure


Christmas Season and Writing Lessons

I love Christmas Season I simply do…I know that for the last couple of years my life has changed and the way I used to celebrate is totally different now (I didn’t have a Christmas Tree last year, cuz I was moving) but I am getting better this year. It is weird how sometimes you think that you have things sorted out but you simply don’t, because life comes and gives you unexpected opportunities.

Christmas season always gives me the inspiration for writing, the feeling of having a little time off from work, focus on the things I enjoy doing and I can’t normally do because I am crazy busy with other things. The feeling of having some “me time” to sit in my desk in front of the laptop and start typing while my oldie but goodie John Mayer tracks go on its invaluable.

This takes me back to my first years of writing, when I was too afraid to publish my thoughts to the world because I was too worried that people would not like it or point it out. Well, now at 30 years I decided that “life is just too short and I don’t care anymore”. I think that motto has taken me more places than I expected, maybe because when you stop caring about what others think is when you really start living and enjoying what you do.

Happy Holidays

Until Next Time


March: A Time to Review Goals

I would dare to say that most than 50% of people in this world made New Year resolutions, set up goals and want to accomplish something for this year. It is March already and while you might have joined the gym to shed some pounds or joined a class to learn something new, this is the point where a lot of us start flaking and forgetting about our goals, or feel that we still have 9 more months to accomplish them.

The truth is that Rome was not built in one day and neither your accomplishments, so I encourage you to take this time to remember what you want to achieve; re-evaluate if you are failing in some part of your goals and just do something about it; because honestly things won’t fix themselves.

And remember it is all about the decisions you take today what will take you to your goal. Yesterday choices are gone and tomorrow’s not even here yet.

Until Next Time,



Is This The Perfect Moment To…?

In the past I remember telling myself this story, “I need to work out and have a healthy diet, but I have so many things to do like school, work, and house chores, that I don’t have time. Maybe I need to wait until I graduate, move, and have enough money to get into a gym and start working out”

In my mind, those were the things that limited me into being a healthy person, now I just see them as excuses, because if life has taught me something, is that there isn’t anything like “the perfect moment”. If we wait and wait to do something just because we need the perfect moment to arrive, that time might never come, and you will be losing valuable time instead of living your life.

Today I know, that if I want to do something the perfect moment to start is NOW, Sometimes we even restraint ourselves of doing something we really want only because we are afraid; of failure, of what others might think, etc. But, I have learned as well that if you are scared of jumping you have to do it because it will help you grow, and you shouldn’t care of what others might think, I mean you cannot please everybody and you are doing this because YOU WANT TO, not because you want people to think this or that.

So is this the perfect moment to….?

Heck Yes!

Until Next Time,
