Organized Journal

Beauty is Not Only a Job, it's an Adventure

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Thoughts of a forgotten mind

There are times in our lives when I believe it’s OK to stop, breathe for a while and enjoy the endeavors which surround us. There are other times when we get consumed by our day to day activities that we don’t give ourselves the chance of enjoying life happenings. It seems that it all comes down to having a balance; having the equilibrium of each aspect in our lives.

Too much work leads to living in a cycle that might lead to a stressed and not happy life, on the other hand too much fun leads to a life where in my opinion not much gets accomplished.

So what is the key for a life well balanced? Is there an ABC recipe I can follow? Will I ever be destined to work and not think about other stuff? Well, these past few weeks I started an experiment, and the first lesson I received was that having a balanced life takes a butt load of work. You need to plan and organize, especially if you have a lot of activities to accomplish in one day.

What I did was some kind of schedule, yes like the one I had as a kid so I could remember all the things I had to do, this includes everything, from waking up at 6:00 AM, through finishing a day perfectly at 10:00 PM. There are a lot of activities I included, but today I want to write about the ones that for me mean having a more balanced life:

Start with Breakfast and that is because throughout the years I started skipping it, but what I have learned is never skip breakfast, it really is the most important meal of the day, I started neglecting breakfast because I wanted to sleep more, but I wanted more sleep because the day before I stayed up late watching TV.

By the way don’t watch TV, I  know this sounds ugly, but really if you want to accomplish things in life don’t sit in your couch for 3 hours changing channels until you find something that amuses you, Is not that I don’t watch TV, but if I have a show I like, I make use of my DVR and tape it, then watch it over the weekends, plus I can skip the ads, which in my opinion are a waste of time and make me fat because I cannot control myself when I see that random Pizza advertisement.

Work Out, yes yes everybody tell us how exercise is great for our mind and body, and well it certainly is. Whenever I stop working out I feel tired, depressed and my mind doesn’t function as it should; you don’t have to join a gym if you don’t want to, there are tons of videos that can help you work out, or you can also walk outside, but do try moving your body at least 30 minutes every day.

Read before going to sleep, something you like and enjoy, it can be something funny, adventurous or spooky, try avoiding topics related to your work, because that time should help you relax and unwind from all the things you already did over the day.

Lastly find your passion, a couple of weeks ago I discovered that  mine is swimming, I used to swim while at college and discovered that was the only sport I did not suck at because a) I didn’t get hit with a ball in the head and b) I didn’t get hit with a ball in the head. The feeling that swimming and being underwater gives me, is nothing I can’t compare so I had added this activity to my Sunday’s it is part of my “me time”.

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A girl of the 90’s enjoying the 2000’s

It looks like it was yesterday when I was graduating high school and starting my college life. Feeling as if I was invincible and nothing could touch me. I felt GREAT and CONFUSED at the same time, an almost adult trying to make the best decisions I could. I won’t deny it, now that I remember some of the decisions I took were not the most coherent ones, but they made me who I am today and I am really happy of that.

I do remember that music was a BIG part of me while being a student, there was something about music that really transported me to a perfectly ethereal place and gave me the confidence to achieve anything I wanted. Music was my push to wake up, go to school, do my chores, homework, study, my company in countless free hours I had.

So today we are taking a travel back in time, to my favorite artists, the ones that helped me with my English (yes my native language was Spanish). Today when I listen to this music I feel happy because it brings me back to good old moments and that’s neat.

1. Garbage. This was the first group I saw that made me say WOAH this red hair girl is unique. I remember spending my afternoons while doing homework watching MTV videos and when their PUSH IT video was released I was like this video is….strange, and I could not stop watching it. There was something weird about that band that I liked and I really enjoyed listening to them.

2. The Cardigans. Of course we might all remember their hit song from the Romeo and Juliet’s movie but I loved MY FAVOURITE GAME  fast driving in the highway so fearless (don’t do it kid’s) and the accident at the end and her getting hit by the rock LMFAO.

3. Limp Bizkit. This group was hardcore for the time (even the hubs confirmed that!), but there was something about them that made me like some of their songs especially BREAK STUFF. I don’t know why I just liked it so I thought it was worth mentioning it here. And I could confirm that in that time red caps and white T-Shirts where the bomb.

4. Boy Bands. YES!! 360 degree change here, I must admit I was a boy band girl, Westlife with Swear it Again, Take That with Back for Good, Backstreet Boys with all their albums, I loved their songs and when I hear them today I still can sing them!

5. Natalie Imbruglia. I loved her and her TORN song, the video was so simple but I loved her thrift style outfit (which probably was a very expensive one) and her distressed haircut (which I tried to get…total FAIL btw!!) I could see this video over and over again.

Do you remember some of these Videos? Which was the music that defined you in your younger years?

Until Next Time,


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It’s finally Friday and I want to go to the Beach!


First of all, happy Friday everyone, I think I was not that excited about a weekend like this one. Last weekend was me resting, and while I needed it doesn’t compare to what I was planning, however it helped me recover.

Lately, I really been liking taking short trips with my hubs, because it has made me realize that you have to enjoy life, and meeting new places help you relax and take your mind away from other stuff that sometimes can get hectic. Now, honestly I was not like this, in the past I would see traveling as a waste of time, but now I do feel is an important part of keeping a balanced mind and it has helped me see life with different eyes. Also, it has helped me being more calmed while I am under stressful situations and solved them more efficiently.

Today I am so happy because tomorrow we are going to the beach iiiikkk!!!, I guess I haven’t gone since I was in high school (long time ago!). So the hubs and I are planning a little field trip to Galveston.

Now, I heard some people complain about Galveston (that is not pretty enough, whatever!) but other people have gone and really liked it, so I really need to go and see it for myself. Still I am excited because I feel so good today that nothing will stop me (hopefully!).

So what are your plans for this weekend? I really would like to know!

Until Next Time,


Being Grateful

Today was the first day I felt so good of not feeling sick . It’s not that I’m being dramatic here, but last week I woke up and felt very very bad. I am normally a healthy person, but that day Oh men I felt like a car ran over me and kept going. As I was still working with month end, I turned on my laptop and started to browse over my e-mails. Then I could not take it anymore, I called my hubby and told him to take me to the hospital.

He even got scared, because I think I never have told him that before, but the pain I felt was so bad, I could not help it, I felt a horrible pain in my lower back and what would look like very bad cramps. So we rushed to the hospital which felt for me like hours. Long story short I only had an infection, which is thank God not that bad.

Today is my last day with antibiotics and I really feel good, and I just felt grateful, because it makes me remember how many times I don’t do things because I get lazy, and stop living life because of that. So being in that state even if it was for a short time made me feel like there are no excuses in enjoying life and working out, eating healthy, and do productive things.

I do feel a bit tired still, and I know I need to rest, but believe me that feeling healthy has no price!

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Aaand…She’s Back!!

Hey everyone, as always running, but I did want to take some time to write a bit about what I’ve been up to and what I am planing for the next couple of weeks.

Well actually, I’ve been crazy busy, with getting married, work and I am moving this weekend so things have been cray cray. I think the most stressful thing about packing is always my makeup (damn you makeup freak!) and my wardrobe. I guess I will be doing downsize before leaving (or at least those are mi honest intentions).

Anyways, If I take some pictures of my intent of downsizing, which I surely will make sure to follow me at instagram (@makeupcake84) where all the magic happens right NAO.

Besides all of that, World Cup starts today! Any fans up there? I am not that into it, but at work, men!! they love it!! we even did a world cup pool for the games, so now I am getting into the spirit. And ready for today’s game Brazil vs. Croatia.

Also, my birthday is next week, crazy I am turning 30, WOW does time fly fast. I want to do something fun like going bowling or going to the golf with my friends, we would have to see, but in the meantime I finished preparing a father’s day card for my dad and a birthday card for my little sister who’s birthday is one day before me (crazy right!).

And that’s all for me today! Maybe a lot of you are enjoying your summer vacations where are you going? Are you traveling somewhere or are you like me who spends its afternoons at the pool!

See you next Time


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Riding Cowgirl and look at my restaurant

Hey everyone, as I am traveling to visit my family for the weekend I tought I would write something. I am excited I miss them a lot so every time I have the chance of visiting I do.

Today at the airport we found a Rodeo display as it is Rodeo time in Houston and had to take a picture. It looks so real!!


After that a strawberry margarita had to follow because lord mercy it was hot today.


I also remembered about something; a couple of weeks ago I went with a friend to visit some outlets in Houston which I wish I would remember the name, but I don’t. Anyways I found a restaurant with my name which was odd and cool at the same time.


Anyways, those were today’s oddities I hope you enjoy and see you next time.



BIG Update

Hey guys, long time no write, I feel like days have been going so fast, but still I have BIG news to share with all of you and when I mean BIG well… it is because they are.  Remember when I told you about my traveling to Houston? I couldn’t say anything but now that is certain I AM MOVING!!!!


Big shock, especially for someone like me who is very territorial and simply did not have moving in their mind. I got a job there and comes packed with big opportunities of growth and me taking risks (which is always good). Now, that is not the only thing my friends, I will be traveling to Peru for training (11 weeks of my life). This is also very exciting and something I couldn’t believe would be possible for me.


Right now I am very grateful and excited for this opportunity and I realized that life sometimes throws oportunities to you, but it’s really up to you to take them and make them work. I feel that this opportunity came into my life in the right moment where I could see it and catch it. I know it sounds cheesy but it really did.


So what will be next for Organized Journal? Well basically lots of organizing because I know it will be hell if I don’t LOL! So keep posted for that.

Until next time!



Update, Travel & What’s in My Bag!!

Hey guys so today I am pretty excited, I know once again I should be studying because I have a test on Saturday, but God it’s hard to concentrate. So what’s been going up lately, well a lot of work which has been hectic, but I don’t give up and I keep going to the gym as I committed, every day before going to the office.

Food related well I’ve been trying to be better because let’s be honest I am basically working out pretty hard and I want that effort to be worth it, I just been cutting out a bit of calories per day and been eating more veggies.

And some exciting news I will be going out of town YAY it will be only for a couple of days, but it is quite cool and where am I going??

That is right I will be hitting Houston!! I heard that the weather is hot and humid so let’s see how it goes. Has anyone been there or lives there that can give me a couple of tips?

Anyway I will be preparing my suitcase and makeup, question would you like me to do a what’s in my travel stuff?? Also do you want to see some vlogs??

Last, I have an updated what’s in my bag which I randomly decided to show you here, LOL Enjoy!

I guess that is all for me now I will be seeing you all next time!!


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Happy 4th of July from Sugar Ray and Gin Blossoms

Hello everybody, so this is late I know, but still I did not want to miss the chance to write this, so happy late 4th of July, I hope you all had a wonderful weekend I know I did.
I had the chance to attend a free concert!! Yeii. I was so excited to see, Sugar Ray, Gin Blossoms, Smash Mouth and Vertical Horizon it was amazing.

Yes! This is Mr. Mark McGrath, blurry because of the excitement!

It was a nice concert, really organized and people were there to have fun!

Gin Blossoms turn came, just amazing!

And that is me, I had my hair up in a ballerina bun because it was freakingly hot that day!

All in all great night and things had to end with some food and what says nothing more American than some Whataburguer just had to eat one.

Ohh and last I went the other day and got gel nails, I have been so busy lately that really I don’t even have time to do my nails, so I thought that this would help, it really did, now I don’t have to worry about my nails, at least for a couple of weeks!!

Until next Time!!


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Summer School and Other Stuff…

Today I would like to apologize to my Statistics Teacher, because God knows I should’ve been doing homework right now, but hey as a former student right now I prefer writing a post for all of you 🙂

So what I’ve been up to? Well lately it’s been gym, work, school, sleep and that is that LOL. I am proud to say that I am at my day 32 of going 5 days to the gym without missing one day. Let me tell you I’ve totally been feeling the changes and it feels amazing. I believe it is what has helped me keep going definitely.

Yes this is me in front of my bike at the gym at 6:00 am

At work I am in a new position which is very interesting I really like it, but it is very demanding as well, so you can see why I have not been posting a lot, I’ll give it 3 more months and everything will sail smoothly.

Luckily in 3 more weeks I will have 2 weeks off from school which is amazing and will give me time to catch up in my posts and videos.

For now this is it I hope that you are enjoying your summer, I now I am right now because we have been having such a lovely weather right now, it’s been raining and between 80’s to 90’s I hope it lasts more 

Until Next Time,