Organized Journal

Beauty is Not Only a Job, it's an Adventure

Being Healthy + Losing Weight = Happy Me


So it has been a while since I did my last being healthy-losing weight update. You know it, if you are familiar to my blog you are aware that since last year I decided that I did not want to live in the same situation, a.k.a. gaining weight, eating junk food, and being as sedentary as a manatee (are manatees sedentary? If not sorry for the reference)…

Anyways, January has passed as a big flash that comes and goes (and this is where I stop with my weird analogies). I have to say that I am proud of myself, OK going to the gym 21 days out of the 31 that January had beats my lifetime record of exercising. (I know this because every time I hit the gym I mark it in my calendar).

Also, I started recording again in SlimKicker (If you don’t know what SlimKicker is please check out here) I just think that this is a great app that helps you stay in balance and their community helps you when you are struggling with your food, mood, and working out issues. I was able to record all my meals for January, all the calories I burned at the gym, and my weight every Monday.

In total I lost 6.82 Pounds (3.1Kg) for January honestly I do think this is amazing because I have to admit I did not do any diet, and I did not stop eating sweets, BUT I tried to limit my portions at dinner and stopped drinking soda for the most part of the month.

In retrospective, maybe if I would have been better with my eating behavior I would have lost more weight, but right now I am at this point where if I start cutting cold turkey on things I know I will fail. So instead of having the two Reese’s pieces (My favorite chocolate) I only eat one, and when I do I just won’t eat anything sweet the rest of the day.

All these things give me confidence to keep moving forward, and now crunching some numbers I feel strong to accomplish my goal for this year.

Until Next Time,


4 thoughts on “Being Healthy + Losing Weight = Happy Me

  1. Well Done, that’s a great achievement! 🙂

  2. Congrats on your success! I am starting to go to the gym, and as I type this right now I am dreading going alone tonight because I don’t know the machines very well but hopefully someone will guide me. But, 21 days out of the month? That’s nuts! But in a good way! Keep it up!

    • Thank you very much! I was lucky because my gym had 1 week free for a trainer and he showed me how to use all the machines, One thing I learned though is that slow repetitions are better than fast, for instance he would make me do 4 sets of 10 in every machine but slow (which burns much than if you do them all rush). And we always finished our sessions with 4 sets of 10 abs and 4 sets of wall squats. Now my week is over but I am taking spinning classes which are great for burning calories. I wish you the best in your gym and don’t worry I did feel a bit out of place the first days, but now I feel like home 🙂

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