Organized Journal

Beauty is Not Only a Job, it's an Adventure

The Best Mascara if you want Curly Lashes!!


I’m back!! I know bad blogger bad blogger, but in my defense life has been a bit cray cray these past weeks I mean I cannot believe we are almost under Thanksgiving Week!! Where did time fly? Anyways, I am here today with my best mascara review, I never thought I would love a mascara that much as I love this one, so I hope you enjoy my review 🙂

Until Next Time,


2 thoughts on “The Best Mascara if you want Curly Lashes!!

  1. Hey I’m new to Youtube and was wondering if you had any advice for beginners! I don’t want to spam my video but you’ll find it on my blog if you’re interested! Keep up the good job! xxx

    • Hey thanks for your comment!! Well my only advice would be do what you like and have fun!! I normally feel that when I do things and I am having fun they work out, also try to be constant with your uploads, I’ve met so many great youtubers but then they upload once every 3 months and I miss them. Keep the great job as well just got subbed to you really nice channel and blog 🙂

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